Saturday, March 29, 2008

FITNA THE MOVIE by Geert Wilders

image from wikipedia

watch this interview, and see how short sighted and misinformed this guy on Islam.

Interview with Fox News
PART1: 9 min

PART 2: 8 min

Interview with RussiaToday

4 min clip

The Actual Movie

Part 1 :

Part 2:

The Website:

What I Think:-
  • Geert did a wonderful job by presenting a heavily biased movie. Have you ever thought WHY there are terrorism in the first place? Muslims in Afganistan, Iraq, Palestine and many more are living in fear, lost their freedom, and oppressed to the the most extreme level.

  • Try something, emphatize, put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel, may God forbid, if someone killed your family members in front of your eyes? Hatred are seed sown by men, not by ANY religion…

  • The muslims believe in Jesus and Moses (and consequently the holy books that they revealed to mankind). In fact, it is part of our faith to believe in them as Messengers from God and the Books as words of God. We call them people of the book, many times I refer to christians and Jews as ‘brothers’.

  • As we know, in any religion, if you know your statistics, there will be the outliers… people who have the wrong ideas of the teachings and strongly believe in something that is not intended by the religion.

  • Islam, the word in Arab literally means Peace. An Prophet Muhammad during his earlier years, was spit on, thrown feces and urine and offended in many ways, he in returned prayed in tears asking for God’s forgiveness for these people. We are asked to practice Islam just as the prophet did, and as you can see, terrorism was never in his practice nor teaching.

  • Islam also prohibits revenge and vengence and it also prohibits premptive strikes on enemies. so the graphic videos are acts of people who are blindly in faith of the incorrect interpretation of the Quran. As in Christianity or other religion, there will be different sects of the ’supposedly’ same religion. Just to name, for example, orthodox/ catholic/protestant/evanglican/and the list goes on. So there are in Islam, the sunnis, syiahs, wahabis and many more…

  • As in any cause of action, the religious book often refered to get excerpts that can be manipulated to legalize their athrocities, so is happening to some countries.At one point in history, Christianity and the church strictly prohibited any inventions that cannot be well understood by them, they jailed, tortured and may have killed many even the scholars who claim the sun to be the center of the earth orbit.

  • see,… misinterpretation of the book existed throughout our time. and as we refer to the history books or search the internet, we can see many more similar evenats,… we have our downsides, both of us….

  • Generalization is actually an act that results from poor comprehension and short sighted, ill-prepared research work.

  • I am writing this not to defend the religion alone, I am deeply saddened by what is happening to the word and the way the mass (who are misinformed) view at the religion.
some fun facts:-

  • Hitler who is a Christian killed more than 6 million innocent Jews, but he was never referred as the Christian Terrorist...

  • Archduke of Austria and his wife were assassinated which caused the World War 1 were never referred as Serb terrorist.

  • Bombing of king David hotel led by Menachem Begin killed more than 90 innocent people. Menachem later became the Prime Minister of ISrael and a few years later awarded the Nobel prize for Peace.
Views/comments are welcomed..

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